Experience Formula

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In Maroll Kingdom player starts stronger then on classic game, so a new formula for experience is need. The adjustment is very simple. The experience given in percentage is proportional to the character level. This mean if player is Lv 60/31 he will recieve 60% of the monster base exp and 31% of the mob job exp.

Experience Formula: Only 60% of Base Exp are given and 31% of Job Exp

In the image, the player has @showexp active and used @monsterinfo Grizzly so he can check the monster information.

Note the Base Exp: 16.705 and Job Exp: 10.060 but instead, player has only gained Base Exp 10.023 and Job Exp 3.118.

Final Base Exp = 16.705 x 60% = 10.023

Final Job Exp = 10.060 x 31% = 3.118

Note: This experience formula only applies when killing monsters and do not apply on quests, battlegrounds etc...

Party Share

The level range for sharing exp within a party is 30.

The monster experience is increased 15% per attacker. That is, every additional attacker to the monster makes it give this much more experience.

eg. 5 people attack, +(15*4)% -> +60%.