Skill Adaptation

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In order to preserve the classic game system as much as possible, few skill modifications were made just to adapt to the game's mode.

The Discount skill lowers event entries price and Overcharge increases the participatory prize as a mercenary in Battlegrounds.

Katar Forging has been introduced to the Forge system, and a modification has been made to the weapon materials: Rough Oridecon i is now utilized instead of Oridecon.

The Taekwon Mission monster list has been adapted for the Maroll Kingdom. Also the Max Level Difference for Devotion is 30. Super Novice Spirit has 10% to erase the death record instead of 1% and it is not lost in BG, PvP and WoE enviroments.

Skill Modification
Discount Only applies to event fees, kafra services, warpers, and nother npc interactions.
Overcharge Applies only to battlegrounds and PvP Clash zeny rewards.
Devotion Max. Level Difference between players set to 30.
Forging Every Weapon -except Books- can be forged. Rough Oridecon is used in place of Oridecon as material.
Taekwon Mission Mob list have been adapted
Super Novice Spirit 10% chance to 'erase' the death record. Do not erase death record in BG, PvP and WoE
Super Novice Death Bonus Instead of +10 Bonus when Job Lv. 70 or above, death bonus record gives +1 bonus for each 10 job level, starting from Level 9
'Es' Soul Linker Skills Are possible to be used on players
Abracadabra (Hocus-Pocus) Transforming mobs into MvP and summoning monsters are disabled

Job Level Skill Requirements

Despite not having undergone modifications, some skills that may have gone unnoticed in classic games have some variations based on the character's job level.

Class Skill Description
Sniper Blitz Beat The total number of auto hits it delivers is based on the users job level and is equal to [(Job Level-1)/10]+1.
Lord Knight Berserk Player must be at least Job Level 50.
Whitesmith Weapon Refine Below job level 50, you have less chances of upgrading as Hollgrehenn (can break Lv1 weapon attempt to +7).

At job level 50, you have about the same chances of upgrading as Hollgrehenn.

At job 70, you have an about 10% better success chance than Hollgrehenn.

Super Novice Death Bonus

To make job leveling more interesting for super novices, instead of the classic game where only player above job level 70 and no death record get +10 all stat bonus, in Maroll Kingdom every super novice with no death records get +1 all stat bonus for every 10 job level starting from level 9.

All Stat Bonus
Job Level Bonus
9 +1
19 +2
29 +3
39 +4
49 +5
59 +6
69 +7
79 +8
89 +9
99 +10

Weapon Forging


Weapon Source Item(s) Skill Requirements
Jur.pngJur 30020.pngSteel x 35

722.pngPearl x 5

Skill: Smith Dagger Level 2


Weapon Source Item(s) Skill Requirements
1202.pngKnife 30019.pngIron x 1

909.pngJellopy x 10

Skill: Smith Dagger Level 1
1208.pngMain Gauche 30019.pngIron x 50 Skill: Smith Dagger Level 1
1217.pngStiletto 30020.pngSteel x 40 Skill: Smith Dagger Level 2
1220.pngGladius 726.pngSapphire x 1

30020.pngSteel x 40

30021.pngRough Oridecon x 4

Skill: Smith Dagger Level 3
1238.pngZeny Knife 728.pngTopaz x 1

30020.pngSteel x 30

30021.pngRough Oridecon x 5

Skill: Smith Dagger Level 3
1240.pngPrincess Knife 722.pngPearl x 1

30020.pngSteel x 30

30021.pngRough Oridecon x 3

Skill: Smith Dagger Level 3
13011.gifAsura[3] 30020.pngSteel x 10

30021.pngRough Oridecon x 5

Skill: Smith Dagger Level 3


Weapon Source Item(s) Skill Requirements
1102.pngSword 30019.pngIron x 2 Skill: Smith Sword Level 1
1125.pngRing Pommel Saber 30020.pngSteel x 40

Wolf Claw x 50

Skill: Smith Sword Level 2
1120.pngTsurugi 718.pngGarnet x 1

30020.pngSteel x 15

30021.pngRough Oridecon x 8

Skill: Smith Sword Level 3
1127.pngSaber 727.pngOpal x 1

30020.pngSteel x 5

30021.pngRough Oridecon x 8

Skill: Smith Sword Level 3
Headonggum.pngHeadonggum 728.pngTopaz x 1

30020.pngSteel x 10

30021.pngRough Oridecon x 8

Skill: Smith Sword Level 3
1142.pngJeweled Sword 722.pngPearl x 10

30020.pngSteel x 20

30021.pngRough Oridecon x 15

Skill: Smith Sword Level 3
1143.pngGaia Sword 958.pngHorrendous Mouth x 40

30020.pngSteel x 20

30021.pngRough Oridecon x 15

Skill: Smith Sword Level 3
1144.pngSashimi 726.pngSapphire x 1

30020.pngSteel x 30

30021.pngRough Oridecon x 10

Skill: Smith Sword Level 3

Two-Handed Sword

Weapon Source Item(s) Skill Requirements
1117.pngKatana 958.pngHorrendous Mouth x 15

30019.pngIron x 35

Skill: Smith Two-Handed Sword Level 1
1155.pngBastard Sword 30020.pngSteel x 45 Skill: Smith Two-Handed Sword Level 2
1162.pngBroad Sword 30020.pngSteel x 20

30021.pngRough Oridecon x 12

Skill: Smith Two-Handed Sword Level 3
1172.pngClaymore 733.pngCracked Diamond x 1

30020.pngSteel x 20

30021.pngRough Oridecon x 16

Skill: Smith Two-Handed Sword Level 3

One-Handed Axe

Weapon Source Item(s) Skill Requirements
1302.pngAxe 30019.pngIron x 10 Skill: Smith Axe Level 1
1358.pngBuster 922.pngOrc's Fang x 20

30020.pngSteel x 20

30021.pngRough Oridecon x 4

Skill: Smith Axe Level 3

Two-Handed Axe

Weapon Source Item(s) Skill Requirements
1355.pngHammer 30020.pngSteel x 30 Skill: Smith Axe Level 2
1361.pngTwo-Handed Axe 719.pngAmethyst x 1

30020.pngSteel x 10

30021.pngRough Oridecon x 8

Skill: Smith Axe Level 3
1363.pngBloody Axe 723.pngRuby x 3

30020.pngSteel x 100

30021.pngRough Oridecon x 15

Skill: Smith Axe Level 3
1366.pngLight Epsilon 733.pngCracked Diamond x 1

30020.pngSteel x 25

30021.pngRough Oridecon x 5

Skill: Smith Axe Level 3


Weapon Source Item(s) Skill Requirements
1502 Club.pngClub [4] 30019.pngIron x 3 Skill: Smith Mace Level 1
1505.pngMace 30019.pngIron x 10 Skill: Smith Mace Level 1
1520.pngChain 30020.pngSteel x 45 Skill: Smith Mace Level 2
1517.pngSword Mace 963.pngSharp Scale x 20

30020.pngSteel x 100

Skill: Smith Mace Level 3
1532.pngStunner 968.pngHeroic Emblem x 1

30020.pngSteel x 120

Skill: Smith Mace Level 3
1529.pngIron Driver 30019.pngIron x 200

733.pngCracked Diamond x 1

30021.pngRough Oridecon x 8

Skill: Smith Mace Level 3
1531.pngWrench 30020.pngSteel x 50

719.pngAmethyst x 1

30021.pngRough Oridecon x 5

Skill: Smith Mace Level 3
1539.pngGolden mace 728.pngTopaz x 10

30020.pngSteel x 20

30021.pngRough Oridecon x 5

Skill: Smith Mace Level 3


Weapon Source Item(s) Skill Requirements
1802.pngWaghnak 722.pngPearl x 1

30019.pngIron x 160

Skill: Smith Brass Knuckle Level 1
1804.png Knuckle Dusters 30020.pngSteel x 50 Skill: Smith Brass Knuckle Level 2
1806.pngStudded Knuckles 30020.pngSteel x 65 Skill: Smith Brass Knuckle Level 2
1810.pngClaw 728.pngTopaz x 10

30021.pngRough Oridecon x 8

Skill: Smith Brass Knuckle Level 3
1812.pngFinger 727.pngOpal x 10

30021.pngRough Oridecon x 4

Skill: Smith Brass Knuckle Level 3
1808.pngFist 723.pngRuby x 10

30021.pngRough Oridecon x 4

Skill: Smith Brass Knuckle Level 3
1816.pngBerserk [1] 719.pngAmethyst x 10

30021.pngRough Oridecon x 15

Skill: Smith Brass Knuckle Level 3
1813.pngKaiser Knuckle 726.pngSapphire x 5

728.pngTopaz x 5 30021.pngRough Oridecon x 19

Skill: Smith Brass Knuckle Level 3

One-Handed Spear

Weapon Source Item(s) Skill Requirements
1405.pngSpear 30019.pngIron x 35 Skill: Smith Spear Level 1
1458.pngPartizan 30020.pngSteel x 55 Skill: Smith Spear Level 2
1461.pngTrident 720.pngAquamarine x 5

30020.pngSteel x 10

30021.pngRough Oridecon x 8

Skill: Smith Spear Level 3
1410.pngLance 723.pngRuby x 3

923.pngEvil Horn x 2

30021.pngRough Oridecon x 12

Skill: Smith Spear Level 3

Two-Handed Spear

Weapon Source Item(s) Skill Requirements
1464.pngHalberd 30020.pngSteel x 10

30021.pngRough Oridecon x 12

Skill: Smith Spear Level 3
1476.pngCrescent Scythe 923.pngEvil Horn x 10

30020.pngSteel x 50

30021.pngRough Oridecon x 15

Skill: Smith Spear Level 3
1481.pngZephyrus 720.pngAquamarine x 5

30020.pngSteel x 10

30021.pngRough Oridecon x 16

Skill: Smith Spear Level 3